Bank Overdraft

Best bank accounts for overdrafts: Compare current accounts and overdraft charges

Getting slapped by hefty overdraft fees every month can take its toll, with sometimes crippling charges trapping borrowers into a cycle of debt.  

Many of the big banks have been found guilty of doing little to help their customers, charging up to 10 times more than a payday loan for unplanned borrowing, according to the City watchdog.

So bad has it got in fact, that the Financial Conduct Authority has had enough, announcing a series of reforms that come into force in April 6 2020 – designed to tackle confusing costs and crack down on sky-high emergency borrowing costs. 

Overdraft charges: Is living in the red costing you more than it should

So what’s changing?

In recent years a handful of banks decided to ditch traditional interest on overdrafts for flat rate daily charges (e.g 50p-a-day).  

More confusingly many also charge usage fees on top of a percentage charge (eg. £6 per month and 19.89 EAR per cent interest).

Some banks of course still stick to the old model and just charge interest (e.g 19.89 EAR per cent interest). 

The major problem was that simple daily fees lulled borrowers into a false sense of security that borrowing was cheap or found the different fee structures confusing to compare.

From 6 April the regulatory shakeup will ban banks from charging you extra when accidentally dipping into the red, equalising the fees between arranged and unarranged overdrafts. 

Hold fast: 

Most of the UK’s biggest banks have set out measures to waive overdraft charges or increase fee-free buffers for the next few months due to the outbreak of coronavirus.

NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland meanwhile have paused the roll out of their new overdraft rates.

You can read about those measures here, but as none of the banks have fully u-turned on their proposals we will still detail them in full below, though it might be a little while before customers see the full cost of them. 

What’s more, flat-rate fees and fixed charges will also be a thing of the past, with banks forced to price their overdrafts using a simple annual interest rate. 

And they’ll have to advertise overdrafts with an APR so they can be directly compared to other products, such as personal loans and credit cards. 

At the same time, the watchdog has introduced an immediate crackdown on refused payment fees, reiterating that those fees should ‘reasonably correspond to the costs of refusing payments’.

However, most banks have responded to the FCA rules by setting the cost of borrowing at nearly 40 per cent.

As you’ll see below, the biggest banks – with the exception of one or two which have opted for risk-based pricing – have set their overdraft rates between 35 per cent and 39.9 per cent.

The FCA is currently conducting a review into these overdraft changes, and its request for information from banks on what factors led them to set similar rates finished on 10 February. It told This is Money it is still looking into the information, and would let us know when it has something to announce.  

Why it’s worth switching now 

It can be easy to overlook the fact that your overdraft is actually debt, and you will be penalised with high interest rates on your borrowing. 

But, if you do find yourself regularly slipping into minus figures, there are a handful of accounts which could help you dig your way out of debt more quickly. 

Some promise to waive fees on borrowing for a year, others offer cheap rates and some accounts give generous interest-free buffers.  

Below is a list of the fees charged on some of the most popular accounts from high-street banks. 

Which banks have announced changes to their overdrafts so far? 
Bank account  Old overdraft rate New rate for majority Fee-free buffer? 
Nationwide FlexAccount 18.9%  39.9%  No
HSBC Advance  17.9%  39.9%  Yes – £25 
First Direct First  15.9%  39.9%  Yes – £250 
M&S Bank  15.9%  39.9%  Yes – £250 
RBS/NatWest Select  19.89% (plus £6 monthly fee)  39.49%  No 
Monzo  50p per day above £20 19%/29%/39%  No 
Starling   15% 15%/25%/35%  No 
Barclays Bank Account  Tiered rate    Yes – £15 
Santander  Tiered rate  39.9%  No 
TSB  19.84% (plus £6 monthly fee)  39.9%  No 
Lloyds/Halifax/Bank of Scotland  Tiered rate  39.9%
(27.5% for Club Lloyds customers) 
Yes – £50 
Bank Account Tariff for agreed overdrafts
NatWest/RBS Select 39.49% EAR
TSB Classic 39.9% 
Santander 123 39.9%
Barclays Bank Account First £15 free then 35% 
Lloyds Bank Classic First £50 free then 39.9% (27.5% for Club Lloyds customers) 
Metro Bank Current 34% EAR from 24 April – calculated daily and applied monthly
M&S Bank Current First £250 free then 39.9%
First Direct 1st account First £250 free then 39.9%
Starling Bank  Current  Either 15, 25 or 35% EAR depending on your credit rating
Nationwide  FlexDirect  No fees for the first 12 months after opening an account
After that 39.9% on all borrowing

First Direct  £250 buffer and good customer service

First Direct’s First Account comes with a £250 interest and fee-free overdraft, as well as extra perks for new customers. However, the account is temporarily suspended as First Direct prioritises existing customers amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The overdraft  

What about a money-transfer credit card?

Andrew Hagger, of MoneyComms says: ‘If you’re in an overdrawn position for most of the month and finding it difficult to shift, it may be worth clearing it via a money transfer card.’

The best balance transfer card gives you an interest-free period of 0% for 29 months – the only cost is a 2.75% transfer fee.

To transfer £1,500 would cost you £42. 

If you are already paying £20-£30 every month in overdraft charges, you could use this money to gradually clear your debt for good – rather than paying it to your bank each month and running in treacle.

Read more about these cards here.

From March 2020 First Direct has put up its interest to 39.9 per cent for any borrowing beyond that £250 buffer and scrapping the unauthorised borrowing usage fee.

It will still remain one of the most generous fee-free buffer though, and a good option for many.

What else? 

Although this won’t be the right account for you if you like to bank in person – First Direct has no branches – the bank does pride itself on customer service and has received a number of awards for this during the past few years.

One of the major selling points is that First Direct offers you £100 if you switch  and another £100 if you choose to switch to a different bank after less than a year.

The account requires a monthly minimum deposit of £1,000.

Otherwise you will have to pay a £10 monthly fee. The fee is waived for new customers for the first six months, however. 

Get yourself back on track: Giving yourself a year free from interest could be a good tactic for those struggling in the red

Get yourself back on track: Giving yourself a year free from interest could be a good tactic for those struggling in the red

Nationwide – free borrowing for a year 

Nationwide’s Flex Direct account has a free overdraft offering for the first 12 months – plus you get interest of 5 per cent on up to £2,500.

The overdraft

Although the fee-free period is only temporary, it could be a very useful tool if you are looking to work your way out of your overdraft.  

After the introductory free period is over however, thanks to recent changes, you will be charged a steep 39.9 per cent rate of interest on all your borrowing.

If you then borrow £500 it will cost you £3.26 for seven days.

The account also offers the opportunity to earn 5 per cent interest on balances of up to £2,500 paid every month, which could be worth up to £125.

Accountholders must commit to paying in £1,000 into the account each month however.

Watch out for

The steep interest rate. 

Starling – best for simple cheap rate, but be prepared to bank via an app

Could your bank withdraw your overdraft? 

Andrew Hagger of Moneycomms explains: ‘Usually an overdraft is initially agreed with your bank, on the basis that your salary is paid into your account and that you will manage your account within the overdraft limit agreed.

But, if your circumstances change – you lose your job or you constantly exceed your limit – and the bank has to keep bouncing your direct debits, then it has the right to withdraw your overdraft.

Overdrafts are repayable on demand, however in reality if the bank withdraws your overdraft limit it will normally agree to a repayment programme with you – such as £x per week or per month until the balance is cleared.’

If your bank is unwilling to do this, you should look at other options as soon as possible, otherwise the charges will start to build up. 

There are a handful of accounts including Metro Bank which only charge you one low flat rate of interest on both agreed and unagreed amounts.

Challenger bank, Starling, charges 15 per cent EAR per cent plus it comes with the added benefit of beefed-up budgeting features. 

Watch out though, from April the rules will change slightly. Starling will change its charges according to your credit score. Those with the best scores will continue to be charges 15 EAR per cent, while others could be charged 25 or 35 EAR per cent.

The bank will set up savings goals, categorise your spending and offer real-time balance updates and notifications of your spending which can help keep track of your cash, and prevent straying into the red at all. 

The bank also states that if you go overdrawn by accident there are no extra fees, and interest on the amount will be capped at just £2 per month.  If the charges you clock up are under 10p, it will waive them. 

The account also comes with free overseas spending and cash withdrawals. You get 0.5 per cent on balances up to £2,000 and 0.25 per cent on amounts over that. 

 Watch out for

The major draw back, for some, will be that the account is only operated via the bank’s app so it won’t be one for you if you like to bank in person or speak to customer services over the phone.


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