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Election latest: Protester climbs on to Tory battle bus | Politics News

‘Enough is enough’: Greenpeace protester who climbed on Tory bus hits out at PM’s climate record

Amy Rugg-Easey, the Greenpeace protester who climbed on to the roof of the Conservative battle bus, has criticised the prime minister’s record on climate.

She had sat atop the bus in Nottinghamshire for a matter of minutes, before climbing down holding a flag reading: “We need clean power, not Paddypower.”

The woman was one of four people charged with with criminal damage after a protest on the roof of Rishi Sunak’s home in August last year.

She pleaded not guilty to the charge, with a trial set to take place in July.

Today, Ms Rugg-Easey said: “Fourteen years of Conservative governments has left this country broken.

“(Rishi) Sunak has gone backwards on climate action, ditching key pledges and promising to ‘max out’ the climate-wrecking oil and gas that are the cause of the cost of living crisis and our unaffordable bills.

“Our rivers are awash with sewage and our economy, NHS and public services are on their knees.

“Enough is enough. We’ve climbed onto Sunak’s battle bus today to remind the British public that it is the Conservative government’s consistent failure to deliver greener, fairer policies that has created the mess we’re in. 

“Don’t back the wrong horse – a vote for the climate is a vote for a better future.”

The prime minister was not travelling on the Conservative battle bus on Wednesday.

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