Credit Card Claims

Holiday from Hell? How to get your money back

Summer may be almost over but thousands of people will still be reeling from bad memories of a holiday gone wrong.

Lost luggage, delayed flights and dirty hotels are common gripes.

Here we outline your rights – and how to get your money back. 

Richard and Elisse Anson were left bitterly disappointed by their recent summer holiday. The
couple, from Coleshill in the West Midlands, took their daughter Emily,
three, to stay at the family-friendly Pontins holiday park in
Southport, Merseyside.

31, who is a teaching assistant, and Richard, 36, a courier for an
express mail firm,  say they were on a tight budget and didn’t imagine
glitz or glamour for the price they paid – but they did expect the
accommodation to be clean and safe.

Elisse says: ‘When we opened
the door to our room we were horrified to see the disgusting state of
the accommodation, not to mention the awful smell of damp that hit us as
soon as we walked in. The insects were the final straw.’

complained to staff about an unclean room, a broken sofa-bed, a broken
window and graffiti, including the words ‘Foxy Chat’ scratched on to a
balcony outside their apartment. Even after switching rooms, they had
a ceiling that leaked water on to their bed. Elisse adds: ‘We had an
awful holiday and I wish we hadn’t wasted our money.’

The general
manager apologised and offered 50 per cent off the price of their next
holiday at Pontins, Southport, valid until February next year.

The Ansons, in no hurry to return, declined and asked for a full refund. They were refused. They
have since tried to obtain a refund under section 75 of the Consumer
Credit Act, since they booked using a credit card. Under this rule,
credit card providers are equally liable for a failure in the delivery
of goods or services.

But this too was rejected because they have
already been on the holiday – highlighting that swift complaints have a
better chance of success. 

A spokesman for Sefton Council, in
whose area the Pontins holiday park is located, said: ‘We have
previously had a number of complaints about this site which we have
investigated and taken appropriate action as necessary.’

After The Mail on Sunday intervened, Pontins said it would ‘consider’ a partial or full refund.

Delays: You can claim compensation for a flight cancelled or delayed longer than three hours


You are entitled to a full refund for a cancelled flight. This applies if you were due to fly from an airport in the European Union or if you were a customer of an EU-based airline due to land on the Continent (as well as those from Iceland, Norway and Switzerland).

For delays of more than two hours you can expect reimbursement for refreshments, making a phone call and for an overnight stay if necessary. For this you need receipts showing what you spent.A delay of five hours or longer also triggers a refund.


addition to refunds, you can also claim compensation for a flight
cancelled or delayed longer than three hours (unless due to
‘extraordinary circumstances’, such as bad weather). How much you get
depends on the journey distance and ranges between £200 and £480.

If the airline is not EU-based and you travelled home from a far-flung destination, ask your carrier about its refunds policy.


travel agents selling flights together with a hotel stay or car hire
must hold an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence, known as ATOL. It means you
won’t be stranded abroad or left out of pocket if a company fails.

Despite a recovering economy, at least ten UK-based travel companies have collapsed since January.
For more information about ATOL protection, visit To make a claim, call 0207 453 6700.

You also have added protection if you paid with a credit card. Under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act your card provider shares responsibility with the company you paid for goods or services, and can supply a refund. It applies to spending between £100 and £30,000.

Check through the terms of your travel insurance policy too.

Bob Atkinson, an expert for holidays website TravelSupermarket, says: ‘If you have a travel insurance policy that has “end supplier failure” as a clause then you could consider claiming for irrecoverable losses. Not all insurance policies have it and we recommend it for anyone who books DIY trips.’



Airlines are liable for losses – but there are no fixed rules about how much they owe you for their own failures.
Typically they have 21 days to search for your bag and if it isn’t found after this time it is considered officially lost.

During this three-week search you can ask for payment to cover reasonable costs for supplies, such as toiletries and clothing, but you need to provide a copy of receipts.

Atkinson adds: ‘You must report a bag missing before leaving the airport by filling out a Property Irregularity Report form.

‘Keep the barcode luggage tag given to you at check-in, as this helps to track the bag.’

If a bag is declared lost ask the airline for compensation within seven days.
List items in your bag, and where possible provide receipts. Maximum compensation is around £1,000 but you are likely only to receive a fraction of this.

If claiming under your travel insurance policy, what you get will be minus what the airline pays and any excess fee – the sum you must pay before insurance kicks in.


If a hotel fails to deliver what was promised when you paid – or if conditions are unacceptable – you can do more than just grumble.

Make a complaint and provide any evidence collected, such as copies of photos, to strengthen your case. Unfortunately not all complaints – however valid they are – will be easily rectified.

‘Poor service should be addressed,’ says Atkinson. ‘If you are offered a discount on your next holiday or flight, you may wish to challenge this and ask for a refund or compensation instead.’

If the hotel won’t budge, ask the holiday company you booked with if it’s a member of a trade association, such as ABTA (formerly known as the Association of British Travel Agents) or the Association of Independent Tour Operators.
These organisations can often help.

But if no agreement is reached, they also provide arbitration schemes, whereby an independent mediator decides on a fair outcome.
However, they are fee-based. ABTA charges between £108 and £264 depending on costs involved. AITO charges £140.

Alternatively appeal to your credit card provider under the Section 75 rule. If you booked with a debit card, try asking your bank for a refund under the ‘chargeback’ scheme within 120 days of paying.
It is not enshrined in law, but banks can often reverse a transaction when goods or services aren’t delivered or as described.

If the hotel was based in Europe you can also get help and advice from the European Consumer Centre. Visit or call 01268 886690.



ATOL: / 020 7453 6700

ABTA: / 020 3117 0599

Citizens Advice: / 03454 040506

UK European Consumer Centre: / 01268 886 690

Financial Ombudsman Service: financial-ombudsman. / 0800 023 4567

In theory travel insurance gives peace of mind that you are covered under any scenario, but in reality travellers can be left bitterly disappointed either by the contract’s small print, or their insurer’s reaction when they claim.

Citizens Advice recently helped a woman billed for more than £23,000 when she fell ill on holiday in Spain and was rushed to hospital for emergency treatment.
Her insurer refused to pay costs on the grounds that she hadn’t disclosed an ongoing medical condition – despite her never having been diagnosed with one.

If your insurer tries to block a payout and you have made an official complaint, after eight weeks you can refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service – free of charge – for an independent ruling.
If it rules in your favour, the insurer must pay. Visit the website or call the helpline on 0800 023 4567.


Unfortunately for those already stung by a car hire rip-off, it might be too late to make a claim.
But if you can, provide the hire company with a record of any scratches or dents you noted down before you drove away if it is trying to bill you for those same damages when you returned the car.

If you have had a problem with a British car rental company, which failed to resolve it, refer your complaint to the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association. Call 01494 434747 or send an email to

Next time, consider buying ‘excess insurance’ before you travel too – it could save a small fortune. It eliminates any excess fee owed if you have an accident and need to claim on the insurance. Without it you could face costs up to £1,500.

Staff at the car hire desk may try to sell these policies when you arrive, but they can be expensive. Try websites such as iCarhireinsurance, TravelSupermarket and Moneymaxim for cheaper deals.


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