
Melania Trump is ‘counting the minutes until she can divorce Donald’ after he leaves office, ex-aide shockingly claims

MELANIA Trump is “counting every minute” until Donald leaves the White House and she can divorce him, a former aide claims.

The outgoing First Lady, 50, is reported to regard their 15-year marriage as over and is waiting only for Joe Biden’s inauguration in January before making it formal.

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Melania Trump is ‘counting every minute’ until she can divorce her husband, an ex-aide claimsCredit: AFP or licensors
Donald Trump plants a kiss on the First Lady at a rally in Ohio in 2018Credit: Getty Images – Getty

Fired White House aide and The Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault Newman is certain they will split, reports the Mail on Sunday.

She said: “Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce.

“If Melania were to try to pull the ultimate humiliation and leave while he’s in office, he would find a way to punish her.”

Newman – who made the claims in her tell-all book Unhinged – has previously said the Trumps have “a very strange marriage”.

She told British daytime TV show Lorraine last month that Melania is “repulsed” by her husband.


She said: “I’m very cautious to comment on the dynamics of a marriage because you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

“But I have known this couple since they were dating, they got married a year after The Apprentice aired.

“What I have observed in the last 17 years would make your head spin. Sometimes they like each other but sometimes she is repulsed by him.”

Newman claimed the First Lady’s feelings for her husband were made clear when she appeared to pull her hand away from his after the final presidential debate.

It was the latest of several occasions when she has seemed to refuse to take his hand – which Newman claims is her way of embarrassing him on purpose.

Melania Trump appeared to refuse to take Donald’s hand after the final presidential debate last monthCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Their frosty display was in contrast to Joe and Jill Biden’s warm embraceCredit: AP:Associated Press
The Trumps leave the debate stage at Belmont University in NashvilleCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Melania also appeared to decline Donald’s hand as they exited Air Force One in August

Property tycoon Trump married Solvenian ex-model Melania, his third wife, in 2005.

She was rumored to be against his running for president and is famously said to have burst into tears when he won the 2016 election.

One friend said: “She never expected him to win.”

She waited five months before moving from New York to Washington, apparently because the couple’s son Barron “needed to finish school”.

But another ex-aide, Stephanie Wolkoff, claimed it was because Melania was negotiating a post-nuptial agreement to give Barron an equal share of the Trump fortune.

She alleged the Trumps used separate bedrooms in the White House and had “a transactional marriage”.

Former Vogue executive Wolkoff, Melania’s former adviser and long-time friend until they fell out, published her own book in September.

She claimed in a BBC interview: “I do believe it’s a transactional marriage.

“Donald got arm candy. Melania got two dynamic decades.

“She was a young model, she didn’t have success yet. She met Donald, she married, she became an American citizen, they had a son and ten years after that she’s the First Lady of the United States.”

Despite frosty moments in public, Melania says she has “a great relationship” with her husband, 74. He insists they never argue.

The First Lady’s spokesman Stephanie Grisham said about Newman’s book in August: “Mrs Trump rarely, if ever, interacted with Omarosa.

“It’s disappointing to her that she is lashing out and retaliating in such a self-serving way, especially after all the opportunities given to her by the President.”

The President also savaged her on Twitter as a “dog” with “zero credibility”, while Press secretary Sarah Sanders said Newman’s book “is riddled with lies and false accusations.”

Melania personally hit back at Wolkoff, writing on a White House blog gthat the book was “dishonest” and “full of idle gossip”.

Mr Trump’s prenup agreement with second wife Marla Maples prevents her from publishing any book or giving interviews critical of him.

Lawyer Christina Previte said it was likely Melania had agreed to a similar code of silence.

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault said the Trumps have a ‘very strange marriage’Credit: Getty Images – Getty
Melania hit out at former friend Stephanie Wolkoff, second left, after she published a tell-all memoir
Despite many frosty moments in public, Melania says they have a ‘great relationship’Credit: AFP or licensors

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