
New plan to cut state pension age to 63 as ‘we can’t all work into our 70s’

Personal finance editor Harvey Jones from the Express has reported on a new proposal that suggests reducing the state pension age to 63, as it is argued that ‘we can’t all work into our 70s’. Politicians have been advocating for an increase in retirement age to maintain the affordability of the state pension as life expectancy increases.

Despite living longer, workers are falling ill earlier and they can’t keep up. Manual labourers, in particular, find it challenging to continue working into their late 60s as their physical health deteriorates. Many will be compelled to rely on state benefits until they are eligible to claim their pension, and some manual workers may pass away without receiving any pension, despite years of National Insurance contributions.

Read More: WASPI report released saying thousands of women should be compensated by DWP over failure to inform over state pension age change

This issue has persisted for years and is predicted to worsen, he reports in the Express.

The state pension age has already been raised to 66 for both men and women. Between 2026 and 2028, it will rise to 67. The plan is to further increase it to 68 by 2046, but this could occur sooner.

Young individuals entering the workforce today face the daunting prospect of having to work into their 70s. This is a significant challenge (especially considering a growing number struggle to work in their 20s).

Now, a leading pensions expert argues that instead of continually raising the state pension age, we need to lower it by as much as three years. This would reduce it to 63 today.

Pensions campaigner Ros Altmann has been advocating for the state pension age to be reduced to as low as 61. According to Ros, it doesn’t necessarily have to cost the Treasury anything either.

But as Harvey asks – there’s always a catch, isn’t there?

While you can choose to delay your state pension if it’s not immediately needed, the option to access it early is currently off the table.

The concept of deferring the state pension is well-established and generally accepted. So, the question arises: why can’t we also have the flexibility to draw our state pension earlier?

As it stands, everyone must wait until a specific age to receive their state pension, regardless of personal financial situations or health conditions. Some analysts even suggest that the state pension age might need to be raised to 74 to remain sustainable.

For those in their 50s or 60s who are unable to work due to health issues or because they are caring for ageing parents, this could spell trouble, according to Steven Cameron, Pensions Director at Aegon.

Cameron advocates for the option to take the state pension early for individuals facing such circumstances. “We support giving people the choice to draw it up to three years earlier.”

If implemented today, this would mean accessing the pension at 63. With Cameron’s proposal, as the state pension age increases to 67 in 2026, early access would then start from 64.

He argues that as the retirement age continues to climb, the case for permitting early pension access strengthens.

“The higher the state pension age rises, the more people will struggle to stay in work,” he remarked.

Cameron points out that taking the state pension early would necessitate accepting a reduced sum. “That would make it financially fair for all,” he asserts.

This would mean the scheme incurs no additional costs, making it more palatable to the Treasury.

Individuals who opt to take their state pension early wouldn’t just receive less retirement income initially, but for the remainder of their lives. It could be a decision they come to regret.

Another potential issue is that by claiming their state pension early, they could forfeit eligibility for means-tested state benefits.

Despite these concerns, the government has made workplace and personal pensions more flexible, allowing individuals to start drawing from them at age 55.

In his piece for the Express, Harvey Jones concludes: “It seems increasingly daft to set a rigid age limit on the state pension. Cameron’s proposal must be taken seriously. It could transform people’s lives.”

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