Accident At Work

Personal injury claims for workplace accidents: What to do if you suffer injury or illness at work

With more than a million people suffering from work-related illnesses or injuries last year, it’s important to know your rights

Make sure you report any injury you suffer at work

While you are at work, your employer has a legal duty to protect you and tell you about health and safety issues that affect you.

They also have a legal responsibility to report certain accidents and incidents, pay you sick pay and give you time off because of an accident at work should you need it.

The most recent HSE figures, for the period covering 2011/12, showed:

  • 1.1 million working people suffering from a work-related illness
  • 172 workers killed at work
  • 111 000 other injuries to employees were reported under RIDDOR
  • 212 000 over-3-day absence injuries occurred (LFS)
  • 27 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • Workplace injuries and ill health (excluding cancer) cost society an estimated £13.4 billion in 2010/11

Reporting an accident at work

Any injury at work, including minor injuries, should be recorded in your employer’s ‘accident book’.

All employers (except for very small companies) must keep an accident book.

An accident book is mainly for the benefit of employees, as it provides a useful record of what happened in case you need time off work or need to claim compensation later on, but recording accidents also helps your employer see what’s going wrong and take action to stop accidents in future.

Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations (known as RIDDOR), your employer has a duty to report work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous incidents to Health and Safety department at your local authority.

These include deaths, major injuries (for example a broken bones), dangerous incidents (like a scaffolding collapse), people overcome by gas and any other injury that stops an employee from doing their normal work for more than three days.

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