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Tory MP alleges ‘cover up’ of Covid vaccine inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim | Politics | News

Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has called for the mRNA covid vaccine to be suspended as he claimed that a report linking heart problems with the MRA Covid vaccine has been suppressed by a senior cardiologist who has “a leadership role with the British Heart Foundation”. The North West Leicestershire MP used an end of day adjournment debate to make his claims on the floor of the House of Commons that problems with the vaccine are being covered up because of financial links with “Big Pharma.” The claims have been denied by the charity.

Quoting Richard Smith, the former editor of the British Medical Journal, he said: “Research misconduct is rife and not effectively been tackled. Something is rotten in British medicine and it has been for a long time.”

The MP then turned to his biggest claim that a report linking inflammation to the arteries and the vaccine had been deliberately suppressed.

He said: “It has been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the mRNA vaccine increased inflammation of the heart arteries.

“They are covering this up in fear that they may lose funding from the pharmaceutical industry.

“The leader of that cardiology research department has a prominent leadership role with the British Heart Foundation and I am very disappointed to say that he has sent out non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day.

“This is an absolute disgrace. Systemic failure in an over-medicated population also contributes to huge waste of British taxpayers’ money and is an increasing strain on the NHS.”

Mr Bridgen described the government of suffering from “wilful blindness” to “protect their reputations.”

Promising to offer “cold hard facts”, he said that since the rollout of the vaccine there has been “almost half a million yellow card reports” of adverse effects on the public.

He described this as “unprecedented” and pointed out that the swine flu vaccine was withdrawn in 1976 for causing Guillan Barre syndrome in 1 in 100,000 adults and in 1999 the rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn for causing a form of bowel obstruction in children affecting 1 in 10,000.

Mr Bridgen is able as an MP to make his accusation without legal recourse as he is protected by Parliamentary privilege.

Responding, Health Minister Maria Caulfield said he was “entitled to his view” but hit back at the claims.

The former nurse, who worked on wards during the pandemic said she disagreed, “not only in the content of his speech but the way in which he derided doctors, scientists, nurses, many of us who worked through the pandemic and saw first hand the devastation that covid caused.


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“There is no doubt in my mind that despite the PPE, the vetting and the social distancing the thing that made the biggest difference in combatting Covid was the introduction of the vaccine.

“Vaccines have underpinned our strategy of living with Covid.

“They have saved thousands of lives and allowed the economies to reopen not just in this country but in countries around the globe.”

She added: “It is important to put on the record that the Covid vaccine is safe and we have some of the highest safety standards in the world.”

A spokeswoman for the British Heart Foundation said: “The British Heart Foundation has no knowledge of these allegations. As a leading medical research charity we uphold the highest scientific standards in all the research that we fund.”

Britain was the first country in the world to rollout Covid vaccines, with the entire population offered a first jab within just eight months.

It meant the UK was able to remove lockdown restrictions far quicker than many other nations.

China, which has still not inoculated its entire population, continues to impose strict Covid measures on its citizens.

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